The process for deciding how much the council will raise in income and spend on services in future years is an ongoing process.

Plans will be affected by changing political structures, new demands or legislation, the state of the general economy, demographics and the events that we cannot always predict. However, there are a number of key documents such as The Council Plan 2017-2022 and the annual budget.

The annual budget, which is a public document, should be the financial expression of the objectives of a local authority.

Approved Budgets

Budget process

It is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer to ensure that a budget is produced in which estimated expenditure is met by estimated income - i.e. a 'balanced' budget.

More than ever before, the council works with a range of partners to deliver services. To help us work together better, the council may consult with its partners for comments that it can consider before it finalises its financial plans for coming years plans.

This short video sets out some of the spending challenges facing the council, as well as some of the actions we have been taking to deliver services as efficiently and effectively as possible for local residents.

2020/21 budget

Read more about the 2020/21 budget