Trusted adults

We want to make sure that all children and young people who are looked after away from home are safe and well. To do this, all looked after children will have a chance to choose a trusted adult.

What is a trusted adult?

A trusted adult is someone that you have a good relationship with. It is someone who you think has your best interests in mind. You have a right to choose whether you want a trusted adult and who that person will be. Your social worker can give you more information about trusted adults and advise you on whether the person you have chosen is suitable.

How can a trusted adult help you?

Your trusted adult is there for you to talk to and support you.


  • can talk to you about any concerns or worries that you had and help you to do something about them.
  • could support you to talk to other people about your concerns or worries.
  • should be someone that you have regular contact with.

From time to time, your trusted adult will be in touch with your social worker to let him or her know how you are doing. They may also have an opportunity to attend your review meeting or share information about how you are doing in writing. You should have a say over how your trusted adult does this.

Download our Trusted Adult Information Sheet for more information.

Download our Trusted Adult Information Sheet