Welcome to the East Lothian Freedom of Information download section. Below you can find a comprehensive list of all of our downloads, which can be refined by date and/or topic searches.
Please note that downloads may not always be added to the website on the same day that the information is released to an applicant. In addition, the following information will not be published:
- Personal data, for example details of the person who submitted the information request.
- Information relating to very specific, individually focused issues. Without understanding the context of the information it would not necessarily be useful to anyone other than the applicant.
- Information released before this download section was launched and dating back to the introduction of the Act, unless of significant public interest.
Council and Government
Staff Contracts - September 2018
Assaults on staff - July 2018
East Lothian Council's New Website - May 2018
Education and Learning
Number of Subject Choices - October 2018
Crossing Attendants 2 of 2 - October 2018
Teaching Vacancies - September 2018
High rise tower blocks - April 2018
Homelessness applications - Under 25s previously looked after by Local Authority - April 2018
Law and Licensing
Planning and the Environment
Applications to erect headstones - August 2018
Contaminated Land 2 of 2 - July 2018
Structural defects found in buildings constructed under PPP or NPD - July 2018
Animal Rescue Centres - May 2018
Dog control notices - April 2018
Social Care and Health
Death with no next of kin - October 2018
Residential child care - August 2018
Death with no next of kin since 1 March 2018 2 of 2 - May 2018
Supported living services for adults - April 2018