Record details

Organisation Name
Haddington Citizens Advice Bureau
Category of advice
General Advice, Income, Money and Debt Advice
44a-46 Court Street, Haddington
EH41 3NP
Phone number
01620 824471
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday - 10am to 4pm for appointments only and telephone. Friday – telephone calls/messages only.
How to make a referral
Email for a referral form
Description of the service
Haddington CAB provides independent, impartial and confidential free advice in a comprehensive range of subject areas including Welfare and Benefits, Children and Young People, Consumer Advice, Disability, Housing, Legal Advice and Immigration and Employment. Our general service is delivered by volunteer advisers trained to national standards. Specialist volunteers provide representation at social security and employment tribunals. We provide a casework service in the areas of Multiple and Crisis Debt, Health and Wellbeing and In Court Advice Service. Haddington CAB is accredited to Level 3 of The Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice and is licensed to provide debt advice.