Record details
- Name
- 8 Newbigging, Musselburgh EH21 7AH - NOW UNDER OFFER
- Situation
This property is set back from the street and is located on the east side of Newbigging close to the junction of the busy High Street in Musselburgh.
- Description
The property forms part of the ground floor of a three-storey building with flats above. The unit is mid-terraced with an arcaded entrance and a large window looking out into the street. The unit benefits from having a metal gate over the entrance area and a side access door. The property is in good decorative order with commercial flooring throughout. There are lighting pendants in the main area with spotlights along the window. The accommodation which has recently been redecorated is comprised of a large open plan room with a separate kitchen and separate WC.
- Energy Performance Certificate
The Energy Performance Certificate gives the property a G rating
- Planning
This property has Class 1A use. Any persons wishing to change the use of this property out with this class must consult East Lothian Council’s Planning Department and submit details of their proposed use and alterations along with their offer of rent.
- Viewing
By prior arrangement with Mr John Martin, Estates Surveyor on 07974 873697 or via email at
- Leasing arrangements
The premises are available on “easy in/easy out” terms. The Landlord maintains the property in a wind and watertight condition with the Tenant being responsible for all other repairs and maintenance and the replacement of glass. The Tenant shall also be responsible for all internal painter work deemed necessary by the Council. All communal areas are to be kept in a clean and tidy condition.
No gas or electrical works will be undertaken by the Tenant under any circumstances without the Council’s prior consent.
Parties who are interested in taking a lease of the premises should request an “Application to Lease” form following viewing and this should be completed and returned to the address given on the form or sent via email to
Only those who have returned a completed Application to Lease form will be notified of the closing date.
- Rating Assessment
The Rateable Value of the subjects has been assessed at £6,000 per annum. You may qualify for business rates relief through the Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS). Subjects with a RV of up to £12,000 p.a., may qualify for 100% rates relief depending on individual circumstances. Water and sewerage charges will still apply. Further information on the Small Business Bonus Scheme can be obtained at or
- Rent
- Offers Over £8,388 per annum
- Conditions of Sale
The ingoing Tenant will pay East Lothian Council £200 (+VAT) administration fee towards the preparation and completion of the lease
- Location