Musselburgh Active Toun

In 2018, East Lothian Council, and our partners AECOM and Sustrans, gathered data and opinions from the local community about what issues they faced when navigating Musselburgh's streets day to day. Using that, we identified routes that people thought were important and the improvements they’d like to see.

The first stage of work on this project was summarised in this report.

We consulted on our ambitions for three of the routes between May and June 2021, and subsequently reviewed and analysed all of the feedback which is summarised in a Consultation Report. We also produced a Consultation Gap Analysis Report which identifies sections of the community that may be under-represented in the responses that were received.

The feedback from the consultation, plus the effects of other schemes that have developed since then have led us to review the Masterplan. The other schemes include the Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme (MFPS) which has expanded in scope and scale, the Brunton Journey Hub, Spaces for People and the Bus Partnership Fund. The revised Masterplan is set out in the Masterplan Addendum Report.

The Musselburgh Active Toun (MAT) team attended Flood Protection Scheme consultations at the Brunton Hall in 2022 where we gathered lots of additional feedback.

View project documents

Taking into account the MAT consultation plus feedback from Flood Protection Scheme and Spaces for People consultations we produced final concept designs for Routes 1, 2, 3 and 5 along with key local routes close to the town centre. 

In 2022, we received funding from Places for Everyone to develop all these concepts into detailed designs, and to produce concept designs for Routes 4 and 6.

In June 2023 the MAT team attended Flood Protection Scheme consultations at the Eskmills Venue where we gathered further comments on the sections of Routes 3 and 5 that lie within the Flood Protection Scheme footprint.

After an extensive and detailed procurement process, in Autumn 2023 we appointed an external consultant to assist with the further developing designs for routes outside the footprint of the MFPS while the MFPS design consultants are assisting with design work for routes on the MFPS footprint.

Design work started at the beginning of October 2023. Between November and January 2024 we sought views on the final concept designs for Routes 1, 2, and the section of Route 5 outside the MFPS, and on the initial concepts for Routes 4 and 6. The Consultation Report is available below and includes information on how the consultation will influence the designs.

View the Consultation Report

We are now updating our designs taking into account the consultation feedback. Though the ability to add comments is now closed, you can still browse through the active travel routes and read the comments via the link below.

View the Pproposals

Prior to undertaking the most recent round of consultation it was understood that Route 3 and the section of Route 5 which share footprints with the MFPS were to be designed, consented (confirmed) and delivered alongside the MFPS. As such, over the past few years, the MFPS project team undertook consultation on both the MFPS design and the MAT design (in the shared footprint locations) and there was no active engagement for these Routes during the MAT’s recent engagement period. Nevertheless, comments and feedback on these Routes received during this MAT consultation period, have been passed to the MFPS project team and will be considered by both project teams.

Since completion of the consultation exercise, detailed discussions with ELC Planning and Legal Services have concluded that sections of Route 3 and Route 5 cannot be confirmed through the MFPS under the Flood Risk Management Act. Council officers continue to consider how these sections of MAT will ultimately be confirmed and delivered.

This plan shows the network of routes:

Plan showing Musselburgh Active Toun routes overview

Plan showing Musselburgh Active Toun routes