What is Telecare

The service is designed to promote your independence but provide additional assistance when you need it. It also offers peace of mind for family, friends and carers.

Remote sensors and alarms are installed inside your home in discreet locations to provide a reassuring link to our Community Response Team.

These are activated by you, or automatically, in the case of unusual or potentially hazardous situations. These link to our Contact Centre where trained alarm service staff work around the clock to respond to alarm calls appropriately and provide a supportive presence. It does not involve cameras or visual monitoring equipment of any kind.

Our staff will also hold emergency telephone numbers for designated family members or carers so we can let them know if you need them.

Remain independent

There is a wide range of equipment available for you and your home.

Examples include:

  • gas, fire, carbon monoxide and heat sensitive alarms
  • flood detectors for kitchens and bathrooms
  • equipment that detects falls or a lack of movement
  • automatic medication dispensers
  • sensors that detect people leaving the property at unusual times - useful for those with dementia prone to wandering
  • personal emergency alarms

All of the equipment has been specially designed for this purpose and full product information is available.

The aids that you receive will depend on your individual circumstances. We will work with you and your family or carer to develop a tailored range of equipment that will meet your needs. The equipment is easy to use while personal alarms are discreet and lightweight.