The purpose of the Equality Plan is to clearly state the council's commitment to equality and diversity and to demonstrate how we are meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 to ensure our decision making and day-to-day activities consciously consider how we address equality and to:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who don’t
  • foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who don’t.

The Plan also contributes to the Council achieve its overarching commitment to reduce inequalities within and across our communities.

The Plan identifies key priorities for achieving improved equality outcomes in a targeted and consistent way across the council. It also contains the commitments of East Lothian Licensing Board and East Lothian Council acting as Education Authority.

It is based around seven equality outcomes:

  • East Lothian Council services are accessible to, and will meet the needs of, all in the community including people who share protected characteristics.
  • The gap in educational outcomes for children and young people impacted by socio-economic disadvantage will be closed; and, the health and wellbeing of children and young people with protected characteristics will be improved.
  • Everyone in East Lothian has access to a decent, affordable, warm and dry home.
  • In East Lothian we live healthier, more active and independent lives.
  • People feel safe and experience less crime in their communities, and at home, there is zero tolerance of hate, abuse and violence against women and girls and people feel their communities are inclusive.
  • In East Lothian we are breaking the cycle of poverty so that fewer people experience poverty.
  • East Lothian Council is an Equal Opportunities employer and our workplace feels inclusive to staff with protected characteristics.

These outcomes reflect the work that is being undertaken to mainstream equality into all areas of the Council’s work and the work we do in partnership with other statutory bodies and the voluntary sector.

The four keys drivers identified as crucial to delivering on this are as follows:

  • ensuring high level commitment and buy in to equality through all levels of the Council structures and planning procedures
  • understanding the Impact of our work
  • building organisational capacity.

Download our equality plan 

East Lothian Council mainstreaming report outlines the progress the council has made on advancing equality of opportunity in our services and employment practices. It includes examples of good practice and information about how equality is taken into account across council services and decision making processes.

Our long-term Employment Outcome is that we are a positive workplace for all employees, providing a workplace free of harassment and discrimination, eliminating the pay gap between employees and having a range of flexible employment practices in line with business needs.

Read our progress reports on mainstreaming equality and achieving our outcomes here