Prestonpans Shopfront Improvement Grant Scheme

East Lothian Council in partnership with Prestonpans Community Council have launched a new grant scheme aimed at helping business owners improve their shop frontages in Prestonpans.

The fund can assist businesses to repair or enhance their property to help create a positive impact within the town, to complement the wider regeneration investment in the area including the works at Preston Tower and Prestonpans Civic Square.

Grants of up to £5,000 can be made from the Prestonpans Shopfront Improvement Grant Scheme, up to 80% of the funding required. As the fund is limited, all applications received will be assessed in terms of the fund priorities and grant awards made accordingly.

Funded works can include redecoration, new signage, repairs to shopfronts, reinstatement of missing architectural details or replacement of the shopfront with a new frontage.

The fund has a deadline for submissions of Friday 8th March, 2024.

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If you wish more information before submitting an application, please contact: