Take part in a short survey to have your say on Health and social care priorities in East Lothian over the next three years.

It's time to have your say on Health and Social Care priorities in East Lothian over the next three years.

The Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan 2019-2022 will outline the next key stages of development for the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP). 

The IJB wants to ensure health and social care services:

  • Take into account particular needs of individual service-users and their circumstances in different parts of the county.
  • Respect service-users' rights and their dignity.
  • Understand the way that our service-users participate in their communities.
  • Protect and improve our service-users' safety.
  • Improve the quality of our services, ensuring that they are planned and delivered locally in a way that is engaged with our communities.
  • Make the best use of the available facilities, people and resources.

It is also a requirement that the plan needs to be flexible enough to make necessary changes to reflect local and national policy, as well as be adaptable to local needs.

Therefore we are interested to hear the views from a variety of stakeholders such as individuals, local groups and community groups to have your say on our priorities for health and social care strategic planning over the next three years. Have we got it right?

Please fill in the following short questionnaire to let us know what you think of the priorities that we have identified. We would also like to hear from you about anything else you think we should include as a key priority for East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership.

We will use the feedback you give us today to inform a more detailed plan which we will circulate early in 2019. Thank you for participation.

Published: Wednesday, 13th February 2019