Executive Director of Education and Children's Services Lesley Brown has written to parents and learners in East Lothian.

The letter to parents offered reassurance on remote learning plans as well as tips for balancing remote learning and details for families with young people in the senior phase of secondary school. Crucially, she emphasised the support that schools are still offering and urged people to contact their school if they are experiencing any issues. In the letter, she says:

"Whilst we know that you will be keen to provide the best possible ongoing support to your children, we are not expecting you to teach them as though they were in class. Many of you will be dealing with other challenges, for example if you are also working from home (as are school staff who may also be providing remote learning and supporting in-school provision). We are very grateful for your continued support in encouraging your child to engage with their learning. This will support the full-time return to school whenever this can happen."

Read the full letter to parents.

In her letter to learners, Lesley acknowledged the anxieties that some children and young people may be experiencing and advised: 

"It is important that you talk to your teachers and your family about how you are feeling and ask for advice or support about difficulties that you are facing or anything you are worried about."

Read the full letter to learners.

Published: Wednesday, 27th January 2021