Children have returned to their newly-refurbished classroom in Stenton Primary School which was damaged following a fire that broke out during the Easter holidays.
It’s lovely to see the children enjoying their refurbished classroom.
Staff and children moved temporarily to the village hall after the Easter break while contractors stripped out and reinstated the room. Following redecoration and new furniture, the children were able to return to their refurbished classroom.
Primary 1 pupil Aurelia had the honour of cutting the ribbon marking the official opening before the children enjoyed some cake to commemorate the occasion.
Head Teacher Jo Legge said: “The children have demonstrated one of our core values 'resilience' throughout this time, coping with a move to learning in the village hall and then being quite short of space using just one of our classrooms. We are so pleased with our new learning space, it is bright, clean and calm. The children showed what effective contributors they are, helping to plan the layout of the new classroom so that it supports their learning effectively. Our only P1 pupil this session, Aurelia, did an amazing job in cutting the ribbon and officially opening the new room.
“Pupils and staff then celebrated what has been quite a journey together with a special party.”
Cabinet member for Education and Children’s Services Councillor Fiona Dugdale said: “It’s lovely to see the children enjoying their refurbished classroom and what better way to celebrate than with a party. Thankfully these situations are very rare but the children, school and families coped incredibly well with the changes. I’m grateful to them and to the council’s teams and contractor who worked quickly and professionally to reinstate the classroom.”