An Outline Council Plan for a five year period, 2022-27 was agreed at today’s (Tuesday 29 March) full Council meeting.
An Outline Council Plan for a five year period, 2022-27 was agreed at today’s (Tuesday 29 March) full Council meeting. It was further agreed that a final Council Plan will be presented for approval by the Council following the local government elections in May.
The Outline Council Plan 2022-27 provides clear direction for all services and staff on the Council priorities over the coming five years that should be reflected in both budgets and Service Plans.
East Lothian Council Chief Executive, Monica Patterson, said: “East Lothian Council’s priorities over the past five years have been clearly detailed in the Council Plan 2017-2022 which has identified a number of strategic goals, commitments and actions including how council services would develop and be delivered. The Plan set out the vision of ‘An even more prosperous, safe and sustainable East Lothian, with a dynamic and thriving economy, that enables our people and communities to flourish’ and adopted one overarching objective ‘to reduce inequalities within and across our communities’.
“Although the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns over the last two years have had a major impact on East Lothian and on the Council and slowed down progress with some of the Council Plan commitments and actions it also provided clear evidence that the Council cannot address the challenges that East Lothian faces on its own. Partnership working including with local communities and businesses, the third sectors and other public sector partners are crucial to deliver the solutions that work best for East Lothian. Many of the challenges of the pandemic were successfully addressed by the Council supporting, and being supported by, a range of partners to deliver essential services to those most in need.”
“The Outline Council Plan 2022-2027 builds upon the progress and achievements of its predecessor and sets out further objectives which recognises both the continuing impact of events such as the pandemic and Brexit and the current concerns including Climate Change and Net Zero aspirations and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
“A key driver will be the Recovery and Renewal Plan adopted by the Council in October 2021 to prepare East Lothian to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, embracing the opportunity to ‘build back better and ensure we maximise the opportunity for a sustainable and green recovery’. The Outline Plan also recognises however that local government continues to face economic challenges which will require the Council to continue to explore new ways of working to ensure resources are targeted to those most at need.”
The Council Plan 2022-27 is being presented as an outline only at this stage. Following the Local Government elections in May the incoming councillors and new Council Administration will have the opportunity to revise and amend the outline plan that will align with their term of office and add any new priorities identified. Council Services will also review the themes, outcomes and strategic goals contained within the Outline Plan and will provide details of the actions required to be taken to meet the objectives.
The Council agreed that the Chief Executive, Monica Patterson, will revise the Outline Council Plan, taking into account the views and priorities of the new Council administration, with a final Council Plan 2022-2027 presented for adoption at a future full Council meeting.
The Outline Council Plan 2022-2027 can be found on the website within the Council Meeting Agenda Item 3 Agendas, reports and minutes | East Lothian Council