Reserve your next library loan via your smartphone
East Lothian Library users can now use their smartphones to borrow or reserve items thanks to the introduction of a new app, Spydus mobile.
East Lothian Library Service spokesperson, said: “Our library users can use Spydus to scan barcodes on books, CDs, DVDs or other items whilst out and about, search for available copies at one of the libraries and reserve them. So if a particular title catches your eye at the supermarket you can simply use this app to check availability and then use the library ‘checkout’ to enjoy for free!”
By logging into their library account via the app customers can manage items currently out on loan as well as reserve items. It can also be used to search the library catalogue to search for and reserve books as well as download eBooks and eAudio books. Spydus is also available for pupils using East Lothian secondary school libraries.
The Spydus app is available from the Google Play or from the App Store depending on your mobile operating system with full instructions available from download or by visiting local libraries.