East Lothian Council’s Planning Committee met remotely on Tuesday 3 October and considered two applications that had been called off the Scheme of Delegation list.

The first was part retrospective and referred to two sheds, a greenhouse and fencing in the garden of a property on Whitecraig Road, Whitecraig. It had been called off the list by Councillor Forrest due to concerns raised in the community over the size of the structure. Following a debate, councillors agreed with the officer’s recommendation to grant permission for the sheds and greenhouse. However it was unanimously agreed to refuse permission for the replacement of a gate by timber fencing as access had to be maintained for the upstairs neighbour to use the communal path to access their garden area – again this aligned with the officer’s recommendation.

Permission was also unanimously granted for a chicken underpass at Howden Farm, Gifford. The applicants were East Lothian Eggs Ltd. It had been called off the list by Councillor Collins due to local concerns raised. The applicants now have permission to construct an underpass beneath the  B6368 public road, in order to access extra space for chickens to roam. The tunnel will be 18 metres long, 2.5 metres wide and 1.5 metres deep, linking the roaming areas to the north and south via earth ramps. The public road will be reinstated following the works.

The relevant application numbers are: Whitecraig, 22/00812/P and Gifford, 23/00680/P.

Published: Tuesday, 3rd October 2023