Work is due to start from Monday 25 November on an upgrade to the play area in Memorial Park, Gullane.
The work to install some exciting new play equipment follows on from a comprehensive community consultation to find out what people, and especially local children and young people, would like to see in this play area.
The enhanced area will include a range of challenging, exciting, and inclusive new play equipment for a range of ages and abilities including a basket swing and sensory pathway as well as a double cableway (flying fox) and wheelchair accessible see-saw.
Cabinet Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing and Sport, Countryside and Leisure, Councillor Colin McGinn, said: “The fact that this play area has been designed on the back of extensive engagement work with the very people who will be using it means the village will be getting a really inclusive and exciting new facility that I’m sure will be very well used and appreciated. I can’t wait to see the finished result.”
The work will take place over the winter months and is expected to be completed in spring 2025. The play area improvement is funded by Section 75 developer contributions funding.