Making decisions together
Our population is changing. People are living longer, and our previous research has informed us that many older people want to stay in their own homes for as long as possible.
East Lothian Health and Social Partnership (ELHSCP) is responsible for delivering effective older people’s services. We want to make sure that we have the services and resources in plcae to support people to live in their own homes for as long as possible.
However we can’t do this alone. We need to draw on the support of all our citizens and communities, to develop high-quality and sustainable services for the future.
Our aim is to work with East Lothian residents and communities to collectively identify possible options to support the development of high quality sustainable services for older people in the future.
Why get involved?
As a collective entity, we need to discuss, consider and propose options regarding how East Lothian can and will deliver older peoples’ services in the future. This is an opportunity for you to be part of the conversation, to have a voice, and help co-design the future provision of health and care services - services which will be in place to support either yourself or your parents in older age.
East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership aims to provide the best health, best care, and best value for the people of East Lothian. Be part of the conversation that makes this happen.
Where are we now?
We have now concluded our public engagement and consultation period. A report has been published on the results, which can be viewed here.
The project team are currently in the process of preparing the final project report, which will be presented to the IJB in end of January / early February.

Background information
The documents below provide background information, and outline what we are looking to achieve during this engagement period. We encourage you to read these papers to help understand the issues we are consulting on.
These documents help show a comprehensive picture of the challenges, opportunities, and solutions being proposed.
Background information
Challenges facing health and social care
Technical documentation

How are decisions made?
In this section we will explain how we will collate all of the ideas and suggestions from engagement activities together. How these suggestions are then reviewed, analysed and assessed - including an explaination of the assessment criteria. How the short list of options will be formed. And finally how you are able to feedback back on the solutions being proposals.

Engagement opportunities
Get involved! We are now in the final engagement and consultation stage of the Planning Older People's Service project, having identified four priority options which we are presenting to the public.
Our engagement period runs from Monday 16 September to Sunday 8th December 2024.
Attend one of our pop-up events