Raising children with confidence

Have you wondered what makes children tick and how you can support your children to be confident and resilient? Then Raising Children with Confidence is for you!

Raising Children with Confidence (RCWC) is a universal training programme for groups of parents and carers which focuses on promotion of positive mental health and emotional well-being.

What will I learn in Raising Children with Confidence?

Raising Children with Confidence is a 14 hour course with 7 x 2 hour sessions. 

It covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to emotional health and well-being
  • Why do kids do that? - Exploring some of the research into brain development and how stress affects the brain.
  • What's love got to do with it? - An introduction to attachment theory and how relationships in early life can have an impact on well-being longer term.
  • Cotton wool kids? - Explores resilience and what parents can do to support their child to manage life's up and downs.
  • Staying connected? - What is empathy and how can we support children's development of empathy through effective communication and role modelling.
  • What makes us, us? - How the childhood experiences of parents can shape their behaviour as adults and how they can look after their own emotional well-being.
  • 21st Century Childhood - Explores media influences on children and reviews the main ingredients to developing resilient, emotionally healthy children.

For information about classes in your area
Contact Support from the Start: supportfromthestart@eastlothian.gov.uk

Or visit the Parent Club website.

For suggested resource materials visit the edubuzz website.