Postal Votes FAQs

Frequently asked questions about postal votes

How do I apply for a postal vote?

You will need to fill in a postal vote application form.  You can get a form from the Electoral Registration Office (ERO) on 0131 344 2500. Anyone on the electoral register can apply for a postal vote as long as you are individually registered. The last date to apply for a postal vote is 19 April.

Your postal vote pack will contain:

  • 1 ballot paper
  • a postal voting statement (you must fill in your date of birth and signature)
  • an “A” envelope to put your completed ballot paper in
  • a “B” envelope to return everything (pre-paid, no stamp required)

Where can I get my postal vote sent?

It can be sent to your home address or to any other address that you give. Postal votes can be sent overseas, but you need to consider whether there will be enough time to receive and return your postal vote pack by polling day.

When will I get my postal vote?

Postal votes will be issued from 14 April - there will be more than one issue, with the final one on 26 April.  If you are applying for a postal vote you need to consider when you are actually going away, i.e. if you have asked for your postal vote to go to your home address you need to be at home to receive it.  You may wish to consider a proxy vote if you are unsure.

Why haven’t I received my postal vote?

You should receive your postal vote pack from the dates mentioned above. You can contact the ERO on 0131 344 2500 to check you are registered as a postal voter.

I applied for a postal vote but now want to vote in person, can I do this?

Up until 19 April you can change to vote in person by contacting the ERO on 0131 344 2500.  After this date it is too late to change.

I have received, and completed, my postal vote, when should I return it?

Postal votes should be returned as soon as possible but must be received by close of poll (10pm on polling day).

I have applied for a postal vote but not yet received it and I am going to be away from home soon, what can I do?

Up until 19 April you can apply to change your postal vote to a proxy vote – phone the ERO on 0131 344 2500 to arrange this.  After this date your postal vote cannot be changed.  

I have made a mistake and spoiled my postal ballot paper, what do I do? 

A replacement may not be necessary as it depends on what the issue is – call the helpline on 01875 824300 for advice.

I received my postal vote but have now lost it, how can I get a replacement?

Contact the helpline 01875 824300 for advice.

The postal vote pack has been received but I am unable to complete this due to existing medical condition, can someone else complete it on my behalf?

No – the signature on the postal vote statement has to be verified (against the original application signature) the vote will be rejected if someone else has signed the statement.  Contact the ERO on 0131 344 2500 to arrange for a proxy vote or a waiver for future elections. Note: Power of Attorney does not apply to voting.

I have applied for a postal vote, can I still vote at the polling station?

No - but on Polling Day you can return your postal vote to a polling station (by 10pm).