Engagement opportunities

image of a group of people gathering together, a person joining an online meeting and icon saying take the survey


Public Engagement and Consultation 

16 September to 8 December 2024 

Over the last 12 months, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership has been engaging with local communities, providers and staff to identify, develop, and prioritise suggestions that could support the delivery of older people’s services for generations to come.

Progress to date:

After the initial round of public engagement, 2,458 individual pieces of feedback were collected, including 314 suggestions on how East Lothian could provide sustainable older people’s services.  These suggestions were categorised into a long list of options; assessed; short-listed; modelled, then further appraised by the project team and an Independent Community Panel to identify four key priorities. 

Public Engagement and Consultation 

Over a 12 week period, Monday 16 September to Sunday 8 December, we are asking you for your comments on the identified priorities and your views on this project’s engagement process.

How to get involved

Online survey

You can review the Planning Older Peoples Project in its entirety and complete our online feedback questions at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/pops-consultation.

We are also have the same survey available via the East Lothian Consultation Hub which can be accessed here: Planning Older People's Services Consultation Hub

Attend an event

We are hosting a series of in-person pop-up events within each of the major towns in East Lothian. You are welcome to come along and share your feedback in person.  We will also have paper copies of our project findings and a feedback form.

  • 28 September 11am-3pm  
    Communities Engagement Drop-in at Fisherrow Centre
  • 1 October 10:30am - 2:30pm
    Tranent Communities Engagement Drop-in event at Fraser Centre
  • 8 October 10:30am - 2:30pm
    Dunbar Communities Engagement Drop-in event at Bleachingfield Centre
  • 15 October 10:00am - 1:00pm
    Communities Engagement Drop-in event at John Gray Centre
  • 15 October 2:00pm - 4:00pm
    Communities Engagement Drop-in event at East Lothian Community Hospital
  • 24 October 10:30am - 2:30pm
    Communities Engagement Drop-in event at Pennypit Centre
  • 29 October 10:30am - 2:30pm
    North Berwick Communities Engagement Drop-in event at Hope Rooms, 34 Hope Street 

Send an e-mail

You can share your feedback with us directly via email: engagement-hscp@eastlothian.gov.uk


Through social media

You can engage with us through social media:  Facebook:  @elhscp    X:  @elhscp 


Get in touch

If you have a question or query that you would like answered about Planning Older People's Services project, please get in touch by sending an email.