Housing for Gypsy/Travellers
Housing for Gypsy/Travellers
This page provides general information that may help you if you are a Gypsy/Traveller. The term 'Gypsy/Travellers’ refers to distinct groups – such as Roma, Romany Gypsies, Scottish and Irish Travellers – who consider the travelling lifestyle part of their ethnic identity.
7. Racial harrassment and discrimination
1. Advice and support service
Shelter Scotland provides an independent advice and support service for Gypsy/Travellers across Scotland. This service is available to all Gypsy/Travellers regardless of the type of accommodation you are living in. You can find more information on the services Shelter provides here.
2. Local sites
The site for Gypsies/Travellers in Midlothian at Whitecraig (between Musselburgh and Dalkeith) is currently closed.
3. Benefit entitlement
If you are on a low income you may be entitled to Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit to help you with the cost of living. More information on how much you may be entitled to and making a claim can be found in the Welfare rights and advice section
4. Bricks and mortar housing
Gypsy Travellers have the same rights of access to housing as other groups. If you are considering bricks and mortar housing you should look at the topic Helping you find somewhere else to live to find out about the type of housing available in East Lothian. If you are on a low income you may be entitled to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit to help you with housing costs. More information on how much you may be entitled to and making a claim can be found in the Money and Affording to Stay section.
If you have a disability or a medical condition made worse by your current accommodation you may be entitled to rehousing priority. This could be, for example, a mobility problem which makes it difficult for you to get in and out of your caravan or access bathroom facilities. We have a Health and Housing assessment form you should complete if you believe a move to council accommodation would help you. Housing associations also give priority to people in the greatest housing need. The process for applying varies depending on the association.
5 .Health and housing
If you need an adaptation to help you live independently in your own home, you may need assistance from our occupational therapy service. For further information on adaptations see Support at Home.
If you would like to arrange an assessment contact Adult Social Care by Telephone: 01875 824309.
If you have a disability or a medical condition made worse by your current accommodation you may be entitled to rehousing priority to move into a property that meets your needs. This could be, for example, a mobility problem which makes it difficult for you to get in and out of your caravan or access bathroom facilities. For more information and how to apply see Health and Housing explained.
Housing associations also give priority to people in the greatest housing need. The process for applying varies depending on the association
6. Homelessness
If you have nowhere to stay (for example, if you do not have anywhere safe to legally park your caravan or mobile home, or if you can no longer live there) you should contact us for advice and assistance (please see our Homelessness pages). We may have a duty to provide temporary accommodation while your homelessness application is being assessed. If you are found to be homeless then you may be entitled to temporary accommodation until permanent accommodation is secured. Temporary accommodation does not have to be on a site; however the Council may be required to help you to store your caravan for a short period.
7. Racial harassment and discrimination
Everyone has a right to live in peace but unfortunately some Gypsy/Travellers living on sites and elsewhere experience racial harassment. Any behaviour that makes you feel distressed, alarmed or afraid, which violates your dignity or which creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment can be classed as harassment.
This could include:
- verbal abuse, such as name-calling, insults or racist jokes
- damage to property, for example, vandalism, racist graffiti, breaking windows or starting fires
- nuisance telephone calls, texts or emails
- bullying, intimidation and threats
- physical abuse or violence
- publishing and distributing leaflets or newspapers likely to cause racial hatred.
If someone discriminates against you because you are a Gypsy/Traveller you may be able to take action using anti-discrimination law - for example, if a site owner refuses to let you rent a pitch on their site, or a landlord refuses to accommodate you because you are a Gypsy/Traveller. This applies whether you are pursuing a travelling lifestyle on the road, or are living in settled accommodation but identify yourself as a Gypsy/Traveller.
For further advice about tacking discrimination, visit the Shelter Scotland Website.