Council Tax discounts and exemptions

All reductions in Council Tax are subject to application and you must meet the relevant qualifying criteria.


You may be eligible for a discount on your Council Tax is you are working as an apprentice.

Apply for apprentice discount

Care leaver

If you are a care leaver and you either live on your own or live with other care leavers, then you will not have to pay Council Tax.

Apply for a care leavers reduction


A person may be disregarded for Council Tax purposes if he/she provides care or support to another person who resides in the property and is providing that care for at least 35 hours per week.

Apply for carer reduction

Providing or receiving care

A reduction may be awarded if a person leaves their home to provide or receive care, either in a hospital, residential home or elsewhere (for example supported accommodation).

Apply for a providing or receiving care reduction


A discount may be awarded if you are now the sole occupant of the property and are over 18 years of age. A full exemption may be granted on an unoccupied property where liability for Council Tax is to be met solely from the estate of a deceased person and a grant of confirmation has not been made.

Apply for deceased exemption

Disabled person reduction

You may be awarded a reduction in your Council Tax if you or an adult or child living with you is permanently disabled.

Empty property

You may be eligible for a reduction in your Council Tax if your property is empty.

Apply for empty property reduction

Low income household or out of work

You may be eligible for a reduction in your Council Tax if you are on a low income or out of work and have savings below £16,000.

Apply for Council Tax Reduction

Major structural repairs

A property which cannot be lived in because it is being structurally repaired, improved or reconstructed, may be awarded an exemption from paying Council Tax for a maximum period of 52 weeks from the date the property was last occupied.

Apply for major structural repair reduction

Prison or detention

A discount or full exemption from paying Council Tax may be awarded if the liable person, or other member of the household, is detained in prison, hospital or any other place by virtue of an order of the Court in the UK.

Apply for person in detention or prison reduction

Severely mentally impaired

An exemption from paying Council Tax may be awarded if you are living with a person who is severely mentally impaired.

Apply for severely mentally impaired reduction

Single occupancy

If you are over 18 and the only person living in the property, you can apply for a 25% discount on your Council Tax.

Apply for single occupancy discount


As a full-time student, you may be eligible for a reduction in your Council Tax.

Apply for student discount