Flat-rate and means-tested charging

We charge for non-residential services in two different ways.


Some services are charged at a flat rate - meaning everyone pays the same amount for the service.  It does not matter how much income or savings you have the charge remains the same.  The following services are charged at a flat rate:

  • Meals - where meals are brought to your home. We charge a set amount for each meal you receive.
  • Community Alarm Service - we charge a set weekly amount for having the Community Alarm service in place.

You will normally be invoiced for these charges separately after you have received them so that you only pay for exactly the services you use.


Charges for some services are means-tested - meaning the amount you have to pay will depend on both:

  • how much of the service you use, and
  • how much income and savings you have

Means-tested services include:

  • care or support at home
  • residential respite
  • Council Resource Centres - we charge a set amount for each three-hour session you attend at a Council Resource Centre (a full day at these centres is two sessions)
  • we also charge for transport to Resource/Day Centres but reduce the overall charge if you pay for both transport and attendance
  • support provided to an unpaid carer in their caring role is not charged for