Justice Social Work Reports

If someone is convicted of an offence, the Court may ask for a Justice Social Work Report (JSWR) to be written.

This is a report prepared by a Social Worker and used to help the Court decide which sentence is most appropriate taking into consideration public protection, the impact on the victim and/or the local community and the needs of the individual who has offended.

The report must comment upon:

  • the individual’s current circumstances, personal and social background
  • the impact of the offence on the victim(s)
  • the individual’s attitude to and understanding of their offending behaviour
  • an assessment of the risk of re-offending
  • the community disposals that are available and which one could be most effective in reducing the risk of further offending

The most disposals the Court may impose are:

  • Custody
  • Financial Penalty
  • Community Payback Order
  • Restriction of Liberty Order
  • Drug Treatment and Testing Order
  • Deferred Sentence
  • Admonition

There is more information available on the Community Sentences, Custodial Sentences and Reducing Reoffending pages.