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  • Local Development Plan

    Local Development Plan 2018. The Local Development Plan 2018 was adopted on 27 September 2018 and at the same time the Local Plan 2008 was revoked. The DPEA ...
  • Local Development Plan 2

    Local Development Plan 2. The next Local Development Plan for East Lothian (LDP2) is in the early stages of preparation. This involves information gathering, ...
  • Local Development Plan 2018

    East Lothian Council download - Local Development Plan 2018 | Planning and building standards | Local Development Plan.
  • East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018

    Sep 27, 2018 ... The Council's aims, objectives and outcomes for East Lothian are set out in the. Council Plan and its Single Outcome Agreement as well as in its ...
  • Document downloads - Local Development Plan | East Lothian ...

    East Lammermuir Local Place Plan 2024-2034 · East Lammermuir Local Place Plan 2024-34. File type: PDF; Size: 7.35 MB · East Lammermuir Local Place Plan Maps.
  • Development Plan Scheme | Local Development Plan | East Lothian ...

    Development Plan Scheme. Each planning authority is required by legislation to prepare and publish a Development Plan Scheme (DPS) at least once a year. The DPS ...
  • Planning and building standards

    Planning and building standards · Search planning applications · Building Standards · LDP2 and Local Place Plans · Submit a planning application · Pay for ...
  • Evidence Report | LDP2 and Local Place Plans

    Evidence Report. The Evidence Report is the first formal stage in preparing the next Local Development Plan (LDP2). This will set out the council's view on a ...
  • Development Briefs SPG

    East Lothian Council download - Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) | Planning and building standards | Local Development Plan.
  • Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

    Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG). The adopted East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 is supported by non-statutory Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) ...