Local Development Plan 2

The next Local Development Plan for East Lothian (LDP2) is in the early stages of preparation. This involves information gathering, research, and engaging with the public, key agencies, developers, land owners and other interested parties. If you would like to make comments on the first stage of the LDP2 process then click on the link on right of this page (Evidence Report Engagement). The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 changed how LDPs are prepared, introducing new stages to the process. The diagram below outlines the key stages for preparing and adopting the second Local Development Plan for East Lothian. More detailed information on the key stages can be found using the links on the right of this page. These pages will be updated regularly throughout the LDP2 process. Diagram of 9 milestones to Adoption of LDP2. "Review of LDP 2018" is complete. The current milestone is "Research and information gathering for Evidence Report". The next 7 are: "Submit Evidence Report to Scottish Government", Gatecheck process", "Evidenc

Development Plan Scheme  

The Council is required by legislation to prepare and publish a Development Plan Scheme (DPS) at least annually. The DPS sets out the process and timescales for preparing the next Local Development Plan and must also include a Participation Statement detailing how we will engage with interested parties. The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced a new requirement to consult with the public on the content of the Development Plan Scheme.  

You can view and download the latest Development Plan Scheme 15 (2023/24).

Regional Spatial Strategies

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced the concept of the Regional Spatial Strategy. These documents are not part of the development plan but are to be taken into account in the development of both the National Planning Framework and Local Development Plans. They are to be produced by local authorities, either collectively or in partnership with other authorities.

East Lothian has agreed to produce a Regional Spatial Strategy along with the other Lothian authorities, Scottish Borders Council and Fife Council. An Interim Regional Spatial Strategy was produced in 2020 to assist the Scottish Government in the preparation of NPF4. The RSS and other associated documents can be viewed on the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal website.