Planned upgrades to your home
What we plan to upgrade
The Scottish Government sets East Lothian Council a target of raising the standard of all its properties to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS).
The programme of work
We are unable to specify the exact month the work will be carried out. About six months before work starts we will contact you to discuss the timetable. Our kitchen supplier, or in the case of bathrooms a staff member, will visit your home to review the layout and give you a choice of units/colours from a select range. If you have any queries about upcoming works call our Contact Centre on 01875 824311.
We have leaflets which describe what happens:
Tenants with additional needs
If you have mobility issues, we will arrange for one of our housing occupational therapists to visit. These planning visits will ensure that your finished kitchen or bathroom meets your requirements. For more information on Occupational Therapist assessments, see Adaptations to Council Homes.