Housing, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change

Priority Outcome 5: The condition, energy efficiency and where appropriate the management of existing stock is improved.

Climate change and fuel poverty have similar root causes and share some of the same solutions. Both are made worse by housing that is not energy efficient and /or not well insulated. The Local Housing Strategy recognises that if we can make our homes more energy efficient and tackle fuel poverty, it can ensure that people do not have to pay such large energy bills, and help mitigate climate change and also promote health and wellbeing.


The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 represented a fundamental change to private sector housing policy, requiring local authorities to provide a Scheme of Assistance (with Guidance), strategy for Below Tolerable Standard dwellings and policy for Housing Renewal Areas. This Act requires private owner to invest more to ensure their homes have a sustainable future.

Priority Outcome 6: Fuel Poverty is reduced and climate change targets exceeded.

The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets out targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across Scotland by 42% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, compared with levels at 1990. Further targets were announced in 2017.

Strategic Action

East Lothian Council are currently developing a Climate Change Strategy which will directly link to the Local Housing Strategy.

Taking into account both local and national contexts detailed above, detailed actions, targets and milestones can be found within Appendix 3: Action Plan of our Local Housing Strategy.