You searched for housing%

Results 21 – 30 of about 17800.

  • Applications on health grounds | Applying for a council house | East ...

    If your present housing is a significant factor in your health, we will assess your need for rehousing. We will ask you to proivde information about your home ...
  • Applying for a council house

    How to apply for council housing. You can get an application form from any local area office, or you can download a copy. Before you apply, please check this ...
  • Improving our housing

    Improving our housing · Our Housing Strategy. The Local Housing Strategy 2018-2023 · Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan · Engaging in the Local Housing Strategy ...
  • Report a change | Housing Benefit

    Report a change. The law says you must tell us if there is any change to the information we have used to decide on your entitlement to benefit/reduction. You ...
  • The kinds of council housing in your area | Applying for a council ...

    Selecting your areas. We encourage applicants to select as many areas as possible on their application form, to help maximize their chance of a housing offer.
  • Integrated Impact Assessments (IIA) - Housing

    Integrated Impact Assessments (IIA) - Housing · File type: PDF · Size: 382.44 KB · Download this PDF: Integrated Impact Assessment - Tenants participation ...
  • Affordable housing in East Lothian - Whitecraig

    Affordable housing is available for people who may not be able to afford market prices.
  • Change of circumstances | Applying for a council house | East ...

    Change of circumstances. If you have a current application on our housing list, but you want to make a change related to the house type, area or room size, ...
  • Applying for council housing

    East Lothian Council download - Applying for a council house | Housing | Helping you find somewhere else to live.
  • Provision of Temporary Accommodation | Homelessness | East ...

    Provision of Temporary Accommodation. Under certain circumstances we have a legal obligation to provide temporary accommodation, if required. Your Housing ...