Training, research and development

Training, research and development

In Scotland, supporting teaching colleagues with aspects of their professional development (termed career long professional learning - CLPL) fits within the five core functions of an educational psychologist (EP). As applied psychologists, our familiarity with models of adult learning, organisational development, research methods and the literature relating to effective teaching and learning has made EPs key partners in this process. EPs deliver professional learning to a range of audiences, including: teachers, support staff, other agencies and parents and carers.

Evidence on effectiveness of training suggests that ‘one-off’ presentations are not sufficient to change practice. Therefore, the training we offer would be embedded within our implementation framework which would be informed by School Improvement Plans, cluster and authority needs. The framework is designed to enable schools to implement evidence based approaches using a four stage model to support schools towards full implementation. This enables use of data to identify needs. We know from research that planned change requires to move through these different stages in order to bring about organisational change. This enables evidence-based approaches to be embedded in school practice, building capacity and providing evaluation outcomes and impact.

The service also collaborates with a range of interagency colleagues to contribute to networks and conferences.

Nurture and Positive Relationship Approaches

An ongoing improvement focus has been the development of Positive Relationship approaches across the Authority, great progress has been achieved in developing nurture practices in our schools. The majority of primary and secondary establishments have benefited from the team’s involvement in developing nurturing approaches, receiving CLPL and ongoing consultation, both at a targeted and universal level. This has resulted in schools carrying out development work across a range of areas, including whole school nurture and the creation of nurture groups. It has also involved the creation of resources and facilitated sessions on responding to distressed behaviour, including the creation of detailed support plans for individual pupils. We have an established Nurture Network where practitioners can share good practice, report on positive change, increase staff confidence and support embedding nurture in our schools.

For further information on our nurture work please visit our Nurture, Recovery & Reconnection website.