5.4 Structures Approval in Principle

5.4.1 Approval in Principle

Any proposed structure providing support to or crossing above an adopted road is required to follow the Approval in Principle (AIP) process, as outlined and detailed in DMRB standard CG 300.

Templates for relevant AIP Forms and certificates are contained within CG 300.

The purpose of the Approval in Principle is, before detailed design proceeds, to allow us to be satisfied as to:

  • The economy of the type and form of structure proposed, with particular reference to the evaluation of maintenance costs.
  • Its suitability for the environment and sub-soil conditions.
  • Its appearance, including the standards of finish to be adopted.
  • The adequacy of soil and other investigations.
  • The loading and other design criteria proposed.
  • The suitability of the design methods proposed.
  • The application of selected documents listed in the TAS, and the suitability of any methods or criteria outside existing Codes or Standards proposed for adoption in a particular structure.
  • The need for consultation with interested authorities and compliance with statutory requirements.
  • The provision made for the inspection and maintenance of the structure.
  • The adequacy, in the case of repair, maintenance or partial renewal works, of those parts of the existing structure, which will remain to carry the temporary and new permanent loading.

Approval in Principle shall not be given until we are satisfied that all foreseeable aspects have been covered and any differences resolved.

Applications for Approval in Principle should be accompanied by

  • a location plan
  • a preliminary General Arrangement drawing
  • relevant parts of the site investigation report and interpretation (if available)
  • the Approval in Principle document, with original signatures

5.4.2 Category of Design Proposals:

The design proposals shall be classified in one of four Structure Categories: 0, 1, 2 or 3, depending on form, scale and complexity. The Category shall be proposed by the Designer for our agreement.

Criteria for selecting a Structure Category is detailed in DMRB standard CG 300.

The Approval in Principle is valid for 3 years after acceptance. If construction of the structure has not commenced within that time, it must be re-submitted in order that we can review it. Our decision as to whether it is still acceptable must be recorded and dated at the end of the document.

Note: These webpages are for reference by developers of housing and employment sites in East Lothian. 
They provide guidance on transport infrastructure against which Planning Applications will be assessed 
and evaluated, and set out East Lothian Council's procedures regarding the construction and adoption of 
new roads in accordance with current legislation. 
These pages supersede all previous versions of our Standards for Development Roads document. 

01/07/2023 Document release