Freedom of Information Requests
Making an FOI request about the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership or Integration Joint Board
We commission services from East Lothian Council and NHS Lothian. If you want to make a Freeom of Information Request about:
- East Lothian Council services, charges etc. - visit their FOI page
- NHS Lothian services - visit their FOI page
- East Lothian IJB decisions, structure etc. contact us at this address:
Model publication scheme
All Scottish public authorities have adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme.
We have identified the information that East Lothian Integration Joint Board holds that falls into the Scheme’s classes of information.
This guide to Information sets out how we make information available through the Model Publication Scheme. It provides you with details of the publication scheme, how you can access this information, our policies on charging, copyright and records management, and how to request information not covered by the scheme.