Get involved in the future of health and social care
The East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership’s Engagement Strategy outlines how it engages with individuals and communities.
Strategic Planning
One of the ways the Partnership engages is through its six Strategic Planning Change Boards, which are:
- Primary Care
- Adults with Complex Needs
- Mental Health and Substance Misuse
- Shifting the Balance of Care
- Reprovision Programmes
- Carers.
Each Change Board is chaired by a senior HSCP Officer, co-chaired by an IJB member and has membership reflecting the work it focuses on, including representatives of people who use services and their carers. The Change Boards have a remit to:
- Deliver programmes, projects and workstreams in a structured and accountable way
- Ensure a culture of involvement, engagement and appropriate consultation in all work programmes, using a range of approaches including the reference groups and independent advocacy
- Ensure that priorities set out in the IJB Directions support delivery of the priorities set out in the Strategic Plan
- Lead the way for partnership working
- Support the delivery of all relevant national and local targets and performance.
Each Change Board is supported by reference groups, which include service-users, patients, carers, practitioners, third and independent sector representatives.
Local Area Partnership Health and Wellbeing Groups and Patient Participation Groups
There will be six Local Area Partnership Health and Well-being Sub-Groups in operation by September 2019, on which ELHSCP will be represented. We are also working to promote the establishment of Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) at every East Lothian medical practice.