East Lothian IJB membership
East Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct for members, sets out a requirement for each IJB member to complete and regularly update a Register of Interests form. Forms will be updated on an annual basis.
East Lothian Integration Joint Board |
Voting members |
East Lothian Council |
Cllr Shamin Akhtar (Chair) |
Cllr Jeremy Findlay |
Cllr Lyn Jardine |
Cllr Carol McFarlane |
NHS Lothian |
Mr Andrew Cogan (Depute Chair) |
Mr Jonathan Blazeby |
Mrs Elizabeth Gordon |
Dr Patricia Cantley |
Non-voting members |
David Binnie (carer rep) |
Dr Kalonde Kasengele (Public Health)* |
Sarah Gossner (Chief Nurse) |
Vacant (local GP) |
Maureen Allan (third sector rep) |
Mike Porteous (Interim Chief Finance Officer) |
Fiona Wilson (Chief Officer/Director H&SCP) |
David Hood (Head of Operations H&SCP) |
Marilyn McNeill (service user rep) |
Thomas Miller (staff rep/NHS) |
Dr Claire Mackintosh (registered medical practitioner/not a GP)* |
Lindsey Byrne (Head of Children’s Services and Chief Social Work Officer) |
Claire MacDonald (independent sector rep) |
Dr John Hardman (Clinical Director)* |
If you would like to contact anyone on this list, please contact us at elhscp@eastlothian.gov.uk
Register of Members Interests
The Register of Interest forms are available to the public and a copy of each member’s form can be downloaded. A hard copy of the forms is also retained by the Clerk to the IJB who can be contacted via Democratic Services, East Lothian Council, John Muir House, Haddington or by emailing elhscp@eastlothian.gov.uk