Public Sector Equalities Duty

Equality Outcomes set out what our organisation will do over a four year period to improve the life chances and/or experiences of particular groups of people whom we serve, or who work for us. Every four years, by law East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership now has to publish a set of Equality Outcomes.  This document sets out our Equality Outcomes for 2021-25.

This is the first time that East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP) has published Equality Outcomes. However, equalities outcomes are enshrined in the nine National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes. These underpin our strategic planning process, which is expressed in our three-year Strategic Plan, which runs from 2019 to 2022. Equalities form a ‘golden thread’, which should inform every aspect of our strategic planning.

Download our Public Sector Equalities documents