Good health

Being healthy is about more than not being ill. There are different areas of your health that are important to look after - physical health, mental health, emotional health, social health, sexual health and spiritual health. For more information, speak to your key worker, social worker or carer.

You have the right to:

  • have information about health issues and support to access all available health care services relating to all of the different areas of your health. This includes specialist health nurses and mental health services for young people looked after away from home
  • enjoy a good and varied healthy diet and have any special or cultural needs provided for
  • live in a smoke-free environment
  • learn how to look after yourself and your health
  • help to feel good about being you and being confident
  • make positive choices and not feel pressured into doing anything that you don't want to do
  • see your doctor or other health worker in confidence - even if treatment is not provided
  • agree or refuse any surgical, medical or dental treatment. If you are under 16, this is also the case if the medical staff think that you are able to understand what is involved in the treatment and any possible results
  • counselling and support services.