You searched for council%20house

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  • Applying for a council house

    How to apply for council housing. You can get an application form from any local area office, or you can download a copy. Before you apply, please check this ...
  • Council Housing applications | Applying for a council house | East ...

    Council Housing applications. Council housing is allocated to people with the highest need in East Lothian. You should consider what other options may be ...
  • Housing

    Housing - Who to contact. To contact your area housing office, visit our Housing Contacts page below. Use this page as well, to complain or give us feedback.
  • Applying for a council house

    Who can apply for council housing. Anyone can apply but will not necessarily be offered housing. Applicants must be aged 16 or older. Council Housing is ...
  • Applications on health grounds | Applying for a council house | East ...

    If your present housing is a significant factor in your health, we will assess your need for rehousing. We will ask you to proivde information about your home ...
  • The kinds of council housing in your area | Applying for a council ...

    Selecting your areas. We encourage applicants to select as many areas as possible on their application form, to help maximize their chance of a housing offer.
  • Wellwynd Hub wins Chartered Institute of Housing Excellence ...

    Oct 29, 2019 ... East Lothian Council's Housing Team and East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership have secured a top Scottish award for their joint ...
  • Mutual Exchanges | Managing your tenancy

    Council tenants can choose to exchange their tenancy with another council or housing association tenants throughout East Lothian and the UK or apply to the ...
  • If a council property is abandoned | Other council tenancy queries ...

    Reporting empty properties. Council housing is in high demand and we want to make sure that we use our limited stock to house people who need it.
  • How the council allocates its housing | Applying for a council house ...

    Homeless applicants receive one reasonable offer. If refused, homelessness priority points will be removed. Further offers will be based on remaining housing ...