List of ELHSCP Integrated Impact Assessments by topic

East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ElHSCP) uses Integrated Impact Assessments (IIAs) to consider the potential impacts (negative and positive) on people, the environment and the economy when developing policies and making service decisions, and to ensure that we meet our legal responsibilities. 

If undertaken at the outset, before implementation, IIAs improve plans, strategies and policies at the design stage and make sure they are fit for purpose. They help us to identify how proposals might affect different groups of people differently and how proposals may impact on the environment and sustainability.  They help us to ensure that we meet legal duties in the:

The IIA process also helps us to consider whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) may also be required.

List of IIAs by topic 

Adults with complex needs

Budget Proposals 2024



Community hospitals and care homes 


Musculo-skeletal/physiotherapy services

Patient support 

Planning Older People's Services

Scotland Xcel



NHS Lothian

All IIAs